- 现金 ready money; cash; ready
- 发奖 give award
- 奖金 money award; bonus; premium
- 兑现 cash
- 支票换现金兑现 to cash a cheque
- 发奖金 give premium launchdischargeshootemit
- 现金发放股利, 股利兑现 cashing dividends
- 颁发奖金 bestow a prize
- 滥发奖金 overissue of bonuses; across-the-board bonuses without regard to merit; distributing bonuses improperly; distribute bonuses at random; handing out bonuses without regard to merit; handing out bonuses without regard to the actual state of production and profit; indiscriminately handing out excessive bonuses; indiscriminate issuance of bonuses; issue bonuese recklessly; issue excessive bonuses; rampant distribution of bonuses
- 乱发奖金 indiscriminate issuing of bonuses
- 现金兑换问题 currency exchange problem
- 非现金发行 issuance for noncash consideration; noncash issuance of capital stock
- 现金发行 cash offer; issuance for cash
- 准备兑现金 banking reserve
- 金兑 kyindwe
- 现金发放股息 cashing dividend
- 用支票兑现金 cash a check
- 发奖 award [give; hand out] prizes 给优胜者发奖 award prizes to the winners; 每年向杰出的化学研究人员发奖是这个学会的惯例。 it is the custom of this academy to make an annual award for outstanding researchers in chemistry.; 发奖仪式 prize-giving ceremony
- 非现金发行的股票 non-cash issuance of stock
- 现金,现款,兑现,付(收)现款 cash
- 金发 blond hair; golden hair
- 现金支付利息, 利息兑现 cashing interest
- 兑现 1.(用票据换现款) cash (a cheque, etc.); pay cash; cash a check; redemption2.(诺言的实现) honour (a commitment, etc.); fulfill; make good (a promise); realize; make real 说话不兑现 fail to keep one's promise; fail to make good one's promise; 政策兑现 materialize a policy
- 金兑燮 kim tae sup; kim tae-sup
- 奖金 money award; bonus; premium; reward; bounty; testimonial 年终奖金 year-end bonus; 奖金随经济效益浮动 bonus floating with profits; 奖金工资制 bonus wages system; 奖金税 tax on bonus; 奖金帐目 bonus account; 奖金制度 bonus system